Monday, November 17, 2008

Scoring system

Scoring The Game

A game of Tenpins consists of ten frames. Each player has to bowl two balls in each first nine frames except when he shall make a strike. A player who scores a strike or a spare in the tenth frame will be able deliver three balls for the respective frame. A ball is legally delivered when it leaves the bowler's possession and crosses the foul line into playing territory.


A strike is recorded when player completes a legal delivery and bowls down the full set-up of ten pins on the first ball. It is designated by an (X) in the small square in the upper right hand corner of the frame in which the complete set of ten pins is bowled down with the first ball. The count in each frame where a strike is bowled will be left open until the player has completed two more deliveries. The maximum count on 1 strike when followed by a spare is 20.


When a bowler bowls two strikes in a row, he shall have scored a double. The count in the frame where the first strike was bowled will be left open until the player has completed his next delivery. When all pins are knocked down twice in a row, the count for the first strike is 20 plus the number of pins knocked down with the first ball of the third frame following. Lets say the maximum count of the third frame following is 9 pins, and a bowler got a two strikes before that, then the bowler will have a score of 29 on his/her first strike.


In scoring three strikes in a row, the player will have a score of 30 in which the first strike was bowled.


Any bowler who bowls down the remaining pins with a legally delivered second ball in any frame will score a spare and it is designated by a ( / ) in the small square in the upper right hand corner of the frame in which it was made. The number of pins knocked down after first delivery before the player bowls for the spare will be marked with by a small figure in the upper left hand corner of the frame. The count in such frame will be left open until the player has bowled the first ball in the following frame. The number of pins knocked down by the first ball will be added by 10 represented by his/her spare and the total will be credited to the bowler 1 frame before when the bowler got a spare.

That's how the score systems goes =)

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